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Minneapolis Journal Dec. 5, 1902GOPHERS SAY NAY Minnesota Will Not Enter the New Football League Which. Is Froposed by Nebraska. JTorth Star Eleven Is Not Logically in That Territory�Sohednle ^u Already M l . According to a dispatch from Omaha, a football league composed of teams from the universities of a number of western states, will be formed in the near future. A meeting of the Institutions interested will be called a t once. According to the Omaha dispatch, the members of the new league will be teams from the universities of Missouri, Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado. Iowa, Minnesota, South Dakota and possibly t wo other state schools The league la being engineered by Professor Clement, who w e nt to Chicago from the Nebraska university to attend the conference of the "big nine." He said. "Nebraska w a s disappointed in not g e tting Into the 'big nine,' but that only m a k e s certain the plans which we have* had in progress for some time�that of forming a league from among the strictly western universities We have had the scheme under consideration for some time, and were only waiting for the Chicago conference before announcing tt. If the *blg nine' had decided to let the western universities into their organization, our plans would never have come to light. B ut now we must have a western league or quit playing football. "The western universities m a y arrange t o participate In some track meet or play a baseball game with some of the members of the 'big nine,' but football game s are, of course, out of the question, with one or t wo exceptions." Minnesota Declines to Enter. The new league m a y go through, and probably will be a success, but it is hardly likely that either Minnesota or Iowa will be included in Its membership. Dr. H. L. Williams, athletic director of the University of Minnesota, said this morning in regard to the dispatch from Omaha: "The report Is without foundation so far a s Minnesota is concerned. As a member of the big nine, Minnesota would have nothing to gain by entering such a league. We are not logically in the same territory a s the other universities named, and our schedule is pretty well filled up as it is. "I do not think that Iowa will enter tlu, new league Iowa also is a membe r of tho big nine, and will prefer to schedule games with such teams a s Illinois, Minnesota, Chicago, Northwestern or Wisconsin, rather than to take on Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska and the others " Dr Williams said that the Minnesota board of control had not yet taken formal action upon Wisconsin's proposal that the Minnesota-Wisconsin game be played in Madison Thanksgiving day of 1903. He Intimated, however, that Minnesota would agree to the date. It had been Minnesota's Intention to play Illinois a t Champaign Thanksgiving day. and in case the badger game Is definitely scheduled for that date, Illinois will probably be given the Saturday of the second week in N o - vember, the date originally assigned to Wisconsin.