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Nebraska 85
Doane 0

Nov. 23, 1907
doaneBee (65K)


ROMP TOR THE C0RNHUSKER3 Doane Unable to Stop Coach Cole's Pupils. LINCOLN, Nov. played tag with Doane this afternoon, scoring touchdowns at the rate cf pna every three minutes. The final acore was 86 . to 0. twenty-fiv- e and twenty minute halvee being played. The first one cam before the game was thirty seconds along. Minor running for the points on the second play, a forward paaa giving him ' hla chance. The scoring machine' continued Its work without hitch during the remainder of the game, the Cornhuskers having no difficulty In doing about as they pleased. Doane displayed occasional flashes of form, and once In a while forced the Cornhuskers to punt, but more often than not tbe ball waa 'regained immediately on these, occasions. ' ; The game waa the last one that will ever be played on the present Nebraska field, the new engineering building having been ordered commenced ss soon as. possible after the close of the season. kIt also marked the last local appearance In tout- - ball togs of Captain John Weller. whose I career as a moleskin warrior will close' next Thursday at St. Louis. The crowd t which watched the game was composed mostly of enthusiasts on hand to bid. tha ' team farewell. Tha approval of the rooters ; was especially bestowed on Weller, whose work during his captaincy has been such as to mark him as one of the bright lights In Nebraska football annals. Nebraska, though facing Its easiest op- - J ponent of the year, msde frequent "resort j to modern formstlnns, working the for-- ward-pas- s and onslde kick repeatedly for J consistent gains. Doane. on the lnfre-- quent occasions when In possession 'of the i bsll, also tried the forward pass, bat with poor success, a Nebraska man being "no oftan on hand to receive the ball. Once the Congregatlnnallsts made the plar'good for a gain of fifteen yards, but It' waa Illegal and was not allowed- - ' Several Nebraska men whose condition has caused Coach Cole some anxiety during the past week, were either not present. in i the line-u- p at the opening of the game,aor i were not allowed to play the contest oat. Fullback Kroger's place was taken f by. Peek ley. who played a brilliant game till replaced by Chaloupka, whose plaea la tho I'ne was taken by Miller. Chaloupka reeled off four touchdowns during his spree at fullback, proving a terror to the llgit, ' Doane men. Beltser, who replaced Harvsy at right end during the second half,, also j played hard foot ball, showing considerable j promise as a punter. , ' Nebraska started out with the evident j Intention of piling up a big score, and bad amassed forty-tw- o points by the tlmeythe first half ended. The second half, was even more productive, despite Its shorter duration, touchdowns coming almost as fast as thev could he counted. The 1ne-u- ,! NEBRASKA tf DOAN l.k.. b.ii.i I. a b m SHIM L T R T Ferris ..LO HO Collin c C Hart R O L.n ChaUupka. Millar ,.H T L.T Harvajr, Btigar... R K L E Cooka. B Hilar. .. U b Q B W'ler, BurnatL., L H R.H...'.. Minor H H L H ; 'Ca,iou,.'ai'.'.y a ra ... Tvlllai . . VonUeB .. ruftivh . Swanaui ... HaMi , MVIuni Soul) ... Grltml .... bar ix Ha .... ATM