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Husker shrines

What makes this collection special is the roundabout way it got to us: from a U.S. Army installation halfway around the world. Read Michael Underwood's explanation below, and if you're the corporal's parents ... Surprise!

(Click on thumbnail image for full-size view.)
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Photos courtesy of Michael Underwood  
I'm submitting these photos of my parents "Husker Shrine" without their knowledge. My dad is a daily visitor of HuskerMax.com, so hopefully this will be a nice surprise for them. My parents, Rebecca and Gerald Underwood of Blair, NE, started collecting Husker memorabilia for as long as I can remember (since the early 1980's) and have steadily added to their collection for the past 3 decades. It started pretty modest with a few posters and knickknacks but as you can see now, it's a full blown shrine that encompasses the entire basement of their home (to include their very own little "HUSKER POWER" exercise room). They are beginning to run out of room to place things, so I'm just waiting for the rest of the house to become a shrine to all things Nebraska Football. So, Mom, Dad. ... If you're reading this, miss you, love you and GO BIG RED!

Thanks a ton HuskerMax - Keep up the good work!

Very Respectfully,

CPL Michael Underwood
C co. 602D Aviation Support Battalion
U.S. Army
Camp Humphreys, South Korea 

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