Player postgame quotes: 2017 Ohio State

Junior Quarterback Tanner Lee

On having a holding call erase a big gain in the first quarter

“I think, playing against a tough team like that, we’ve got to be able to take advantage of all those big plays. It’s plays like that that we really needed at that point in the game, so we could finish with points. It’s our job to take the pressure off the defense and continue to score and move the ball. That was tough. That was really tough because we had a little life there, we moved the ball a little bit, that was good to see, maybe we were starting to figure some things out that were working, and that was tough.”

On his two touchdown passes

“We just needed to push the ball down the field and score and score in a hurry. We wanted to score and get stops and do our best to make it a game. I think on the one to JD (Spielman), he did a great job getting open. It was a five-yard pass and he was able to do the rest, so that was great by him. Stanley (Morgan Jr.), he came in a little banged up on that play, but he sucked it up and ran a great route and caught a touchdown, so that was good to see. Those were good, positive takeaways from this.”

On his message to the team after back-to-back losses

“All of our energy needs to go into the next game. We’ve got a bye week, which gives us an advantage. rest up a little bit, if guys have some things nagging them, they have a full week to recover. That’s big. And then all the energy into our next opponent. That’s what we’ll focus 100 percent on, and we’ll harp on that starting the first practice next week.”

On the fan support

“I mean, that’s not what the fans want to see us go into half losing like that, but I do appreciate the fans that stayed, and I love playing in front of those people. It was still loud. I’m still amazed by our fans, especially today. They are a big reason we work hard. We want to play well for them. We didn’t do it today, so that’s tough and that hurts us, but it’ll give us motivation for this next week and the week after.”

On the pressure to match Ohio State’s offensive output

“It’s tough. I think it’s our job to stay focused on things we can control. I know our defense is out there doing the best they can and doing whatever they can to try to get stops, so that’s not something for us an offense to really concern ourselves with. We just have to stay focused on continuing to play every play as it’s own, and trying to find ways to score points, because you never know when our defense is going to start getting stops, and we’ll keep scoring and continue to make it a game. You just kind of keep that in your mind the whole time, and just continue to fight, and I think our time did a good job of that, just not showing any quit and playing with pride. I was happy I didn’t see any quitting or anything like that. That was good to see.”

On JD Spielman setting the school record for receiving yards in a single game

“That doesn’t surprise me. He’s a hard-working guy. We see it week in and week out, how valuable he is to us in this offense, and he continues to show up on big downs, and he continues to make big plays and make guys miss and score. We’re really glad we have him out there.”

On targeting Spielman

“I think the amount of man (coverage) we were seeing, and his ability to get open in the slot is something I have a lot of faith in, a lot of confidence in, so I did look his way a lot in situations, because he continues to get open and make tough catches and run after the catch, and things like that, and he’ll continue to do that.”

On Ohio State’s recent run of success in the Big Ten

“It’s a big-time learning experience, that’s what we want to be. Before the season, we wanted to be what Ohio State just was. We’ll learn from the film, and I think we’ll continue to work. They are a good team, and they deserved to win.”


Senior Linebacker Chris Weber

On the Ohio State offense

“They went up tempo. We didn’t get stops on third down and they moved the ball down the field.”

On why the defense struggled

“I’d have to watch the film. They attack you in a lot of different ways. We struggled with some of their unders, the meshes they ran, when we had seen it on film, so I’d have to watch the film.”

On the importance of the bye week

“ for us to get healthy, to not only get healthy physically but mentally, to kind of get rejuvenated for the second half of the season, to finish strong because I feel like that’s something we can do.”

On the absence of Aaron Williams and Antonio Reed

“We try and preach the ‘next man in’ philosophy – that’s what our culture is. Whoever is in there needs to be ready to go and we trust what they can do.”

On what he’s going to do to help the team

“Just the same thing I’ve tried to do since I’ve been here. Put your head down, come to work. I’m in a position to lead and I’m going to do that. I’m going to finish this thing out. I’m going to lead these guys the best that I can.”

On his message to fans

“I have a ton of faith in the we have guys in the locker room. What we’ve been through – spring ball and summer conditioning – we can finish the season strong, we can be a resilient group that can change the narrative. I really believe that.”

On seeing the empty seats in the fourth quarter

“Not a great feeling, but can’t blame them. We were at a point where we were down. That’s on us.”


Sophomore Linebacker Mohamed Barry

On the emotions of the team and himself

“My emotions? Upset, of course. We have pride and you love football and you love this university and you love the game, so you never want to lose like we did. But again, you just have to suck it up and get better because at the end of the day, it’s the next game. This game is done and right now I’ve just got to suck it up.”

On how demoralizing it was to allow Ohio State to continue to convert on third down

“It’s important to get off the field. That’s all the stats show, you’ve just got to get off the field on third down.”

On if Ohio State was the best offense the team’s faced

“They went wild. They know what they want to do. They dictate what they want to do. They played well.”

Senior Fullback Luke McNitt

On what is key after the game going into the bye week

“I think the key after a game like that is just we’ve got to learn from it obviously, first of all. So we are going to come in and watch the film to correct our mistakes, see what we did wrong, see what we can do better moving forward. You’ve just got to put it behind you. You’ve got to remember how it felt but you’ve got to put it behind you and get ready for the next one.”

On how difficult it is to have such a disappointing game with some fans leaving early

“It’s very difficult. You never want to see Nebraska football like that. But I think moving forward playing with this team is going in the right direction. I mean it might not be as quickly as the fans or as we like, but I think we are going in the right direction, and I think we’ve got to continue to build and stick together. After a loss like that, it’s all about just sticking together, keeping the guys together, and I think as a senior and as a captain, it’s my job and the other captains’ job to keep guys together, and I am really going to task myself with that this week.”

On why he thinks the offense is moving in the right direction

“Guys didn’t quit out there. It’s easy when you get down as far as we did, dig a hole like we did, it’s easy to quit and roll over. I think those guys have a lot of pride wearing that ‘N’ on the side of their helmet and I think that is a lot of it. Games like that should never be acceptable, but it happened and we just have to learn from it and move forward. I think a lot of guys in there aren’t going to take it. They’re going to learn from it and mourn it for however long, but next week they are going to come back ready to work and I think we just get ready for the next game.”

On his role as a captain moving forward

“It is just going to be to encourage guys to come to work every day like it’s day one of fall camp. There is one or two ways you can go; you can let that get you down, you can let the season go, but I don’t think anybody in that locker room is going to do that. I think we are going to continue to fight and come back next week ready to work and just watch film, see what we need to get better at and just put it behind us and move forward.”


Source: Nebraska Athletics